LINXS is delighted to announce the Antibodies in Solution: a LINXS – NIST webinar series

Anna Stradner, Professor at Physical Chemistry, Lund University, and research programme leader.

The new webinar series is organised by the Antibodies in Solution research programme. It aims to be an educational venture addressed to a broad audience including students and researchers from various backgrounds, and all those who are interested to dive into the fascinating world of antibody research and learn more about the use of scattering methods for this purpose. 

A central aspect of the webinar series will be to illustrate the full power of neutron and X-ray scattering science that can be achieved in combination with complementary experimental methods and different unifying simulation techniques.

–  Progress in understanding complex biomolecules such as antibodies in solution requires an interdisciplinary approach and collaboration of experimentalists and theoreticians with different scientific backgrounds from academia and industry. This initiative aims to create a common basis through didactical lectures in order to enable a successful future collaboration in this important field of research, says Anna Stradner, Professor at Physical Chemistry, Lund University, and research programme leader.

About the webinar series

The Antibodies in Solution: a LINXS – NIST webinar series provides background information related to the currently ongoing LINXS Antibodies in Solution research programme. This is a concerted experimental and theoretical effort that aims to investigate the properties of monoclonal antibodies in solution, which comprise a major platform for potential drug candidates and are of high academic and pharmaceutical interest. An international consortium of researchers at academic institutions, research centers, NIST and Novartis has teamed up for this. 

Didactical lectures given by members of the consortium on different experimental and theoretical topics that are highly relevant for state-of-the-art antibody research as well as insight from pharmaceutical industry will be included in the webinar series. 


WEBINAR: Antibodies in Solution: a LINXS – NIST Webinar Series-: "Therapeutical monoclonal antibodies - significance for patients and evolution into the future“ with Karoline Bechtold-Peters, NOVARTIS, Switzerland, 2nd November, 3.30pm CET

WEBINAR: Antibodies in Solution: a LINXS – NIST Webinar Series-Background of NIST mAb - John Schiel, 7th December, 3.30pm CET