Sam Bayat

Sam Bayat


IPDD WG 3 member, LINXS Fellow

Sam Bayat, Professor at Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Grenoble, and Director at University Grenoble Alpes - Inserm Synchrotron Radiation for Bionmedicine (STROBE) Laboratory, France.

Sam Bayat MD PhD is Professor of Physiology at Université Grenoble Alpes Medical School and physician at the Grenoble University Hospital. Following a PhD in physiology from Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France, he joined the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility as a post-doc and visiting scientist. He is head of the Lung Function Laboratory at the Grenoble University Hospital and Director of Synchrotron Radiation for Biomedicine (STROBE) INSERM-UA7 laboratory and Chair of the Clinical Physiology, Exercise and Functional Imaging group at the European Respiratory Society. His research interest focuses on imaging regional lung structure and function in healthy lungs and in models of obstructive lung diseases and acute respiratory distress syndrome

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