Prof. em., Dr. Dieter Richter

Prof. em., Dr. Dieter Richter


IPDD WG 2 member and Dynamics Core Group Member, LINXS Fellow

A Prof. em., Dr. at FZ Jülich, Dieter Richter received his Diploma in theoretical Physics (1973) at the TU-Braunschweig and under the guidance of Prof. Dr. T. Springer his PhD degree in experimental physics (1977) at the RWTH Aachen, Germany. He did post-doctoral work at the Brookhaven National Laboratory in the Neutron scattering Department of Dr. Shirane. He then moved to the Forschungszentrum Jülich and performed his Habilitation at the RWTH Aachen in 1983. In 1985 he assumed a position as senior scientist at the Inst. Laue Langevin in Grenoble. In 1989 he was appointed as director at the Institut für Festkörperforschung at the FZJ Jülich. From 2011 he assumed the position as a Scientific Director at the FRM2 Reactor in München. In 2015 he retired from his positions and now works as an advisor for the FZJ. Dieter Richter co-authored more than 600 papers, which have received over 17000 citations and an H-index of 65. He has received several high-ranking awards among which the Schottky Award of the German Physical Society, the Max Planck Award, the Erwin Schrödinger Award and the Walter Hälg Prize of the European Neutron Scattering Association. He was a member and also chairperson of a large number of scientific panels such as the scientific council of the ILL or the OECD Mega Science Forum. Among others he founded the European neutron scattering association and the European network of excellence “SoftComp”.

His current interests are the structure and dynamics of macromolecular soft and biological systems.

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1992-1995   Member in the ILL Subcommittee 9 "Soft Matter".
1992-1998   Chairman of the German Committee for Neutron Scattering.
1994-1997   Founder and first chairman of the European Neutron Scattering Association (ENSA).
1994-1997   Member of the European Spallation Source (ESS) Science Council.
1994-1998   Member of the ILL Scientific Council.
1996   Chairman of the Program Committee of the first European Neutron Scattering Conference (ECNS '96) in Interlaken (more than 700 participants).
1996-1998   Member of the Large Facility Commission.
1996-1998   Member of the Conseil Scientific of the Laboratoire Léon Brillouin in Saclay (France).
1996-2000   Member of the German Delegation in the "Neutron Working Group" of the OECD Megascience Forum.
1997-2003   Member of the European Neutron Scattering Association (ENSA).
1998-2003   Member of the European Union Neutron Round Table.
1998-2007   Member of the PSI Research Commission in Villigen (Switzerland).
1999-2001   Member of the BMBF Commission FRM-2.
1999-2001   Member of the Instrumentation Commission of the FRM-2.
2000-2003   Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) of the European Spallation Source (ESS) Project and ESS Science Director.
2003-2004   Member of the ILL instrument Subcommittee in Grenoble.
2003-   Member of the Scientific Evaluation Committee of the Laboratoire Léon Brillouin in Saclay.
2003-   Member of the Strategy Council of the FRM-2 (Munich). 
2004-2005   Member of the ILL Scientific Council. 
2004-2005   Chairman ILL Subcommittee. 
2004-2009   Network Coordinator: "Soft Matter Composites - An approach to nanoscale functional materials", FP6 - Network of Excellence: SoftComp.
2005-2007   Chairman of the ILL Scientific Council.
2011 -   Member of the Science Advisory Board of the Adophe Merkle Institute in Fribourg. 
2011-2015   Member of the ACS Macro Letters & Macromolecules joint Editorial Advisory Board.
2016    Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the the Centro de Fisica Materiales (CSIC), Donostia (Spain).
Member in many Programm Committees and Advisory Boards of National and International Conferences.

Important Memberships in Journals

1991-1994   Co-Editor Europhysics Letters.
1995-   Advisory Editor "Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research".
2003- Advisory Editor "Journal of Polymer Science" (Polymer Physics & Polymer Chemistry).
2005- Member of the Editorial Board "Soft Matter" of the Royal Society of Chemistry. 

Evaluator and Consulting Activities

1996-2001   Consultant contract with Exxon, USA.
1998   Evaluator of the OECD Mega Science Forum on the future prospects of neutron scattering in the OECD countries.


1953-1957   Elementary school in Wolfsburg.
1957-1966   Rats- und Theodor-Heuss-Gymnasium in Wolfsburg.
1966-1968   Military service, final degree: second lieutenant.
1968-1973   Study of physics at the Technische Universität Braunschweig.
1974   Scientific collaborator at the Institut für Festkörperforschung of the KFA Jülich.
 1977 Thesis at the Technische Hochschule Aachen, "Investigation of Hydrogen Diffusion in the Presence of Trapping Defects".
1978-1979   Postdoc at the Brookhaven National Laboratory in the group of G. Shirane.
1983   Habilitation in Physics at the Technische Hochschule Aachen.
1985-1989   Senior scientist at the Institut Laue-Langevin in Grenoble, Responsibility: High resolution and time of flight experiments, physical chemistry.
1989   Appointment as a director at the Institut für Festkörperforschung der KFA Jülich; Responsibility: Institute for Neutron Scattering; Chair at the University of Münster in physical chemistry.
2011   Scientific Director at the FRM II in Munich.
2013   Acting Director MLZ (FRM II in Munich).
2015   retired as a Professor; working as a consultant for FZJ.